فارسی عربي

‘American Bull’ to vie in Japan

Iran short film ‘American Bull’ is to go on the silver screen at Sapporo Short Film Festival in Japan.

Iranian short film ‘American Bull’ has been set to go on the silver screen at Sapporo Short Film Festival in Japan.

Directed by Fatemeh Toosi, the short film is to represent Iran at the Japanese film event and attend the competition section of the festival.

The 14-minute short narrates the story of a young boy who owns a bull and has a special bond with his animal.

The boy depends on his bull for earning a living. In fact, the bull is being rented for mating and procreation.

The film attended the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival in Germany in May.

The Sapporo Short Fest serves as a vehicle for developing short film industry through the proposals for new and innovative use of short films and the promotion of sales transactions of the copy right for digital contents.

The 2019 edition of the event is slated for October 16-20 in Sapporo, Japan.

